Nowadays we are starting to understand the the old energy sources we've been using for decades come with a steep price. They are having a negative impact on our environment and they are running low.
That's why so many people are interested in energy conservation.
The good news is that our desire to find renewable, clean energy sources has made it possible for many of us to cut ties, or at least lessen ties, with our utility companies.
Using wind power to help us provide electricity for our homes has now become a viable option due to recent advances in turbine technology. Now homeowners can install a turbine for their own home use.
The more renewable energy sources we use the more money we'll save on our utility bills and we can greatly lessen the amount of harmful emissions released into the environment.
Wind turbine technology will continue to improve which means that our turbines will be even more cost effective in the future than they are right now.
Now they are still capable of generating around 60% of the energy you'll need for your house. If you want the least upfront expense of installing your turbine you should build your own.
To buy a turbine will cost around $1,000 and up. For that reason it will take you a long time to get your money back. However, you could easily build your own turbine and get the same energy production for a lot less money up front.
Building a turbine will only cost a few hundred dollars. You can finish the project in a few hours or a day at most.
Because building your own turbine is easy, cheap, and will save you upwards of 80% on your utility bills, wind power should be at the top of the list of things you use in your energy conservation efforts.