Friday, February 12, 2016

DIY Wind Turbine- It's Easier Than You Think

Looking for inexpensive, yet effective, alternative energy sources is becoming extremely popular for many homeowners.  This is due in equal parts to the rising energy costs as well as a desire to go green.

The good news is that building a DIY wind turbine is not only feasible, it's inexpensive and effective at supplying much of the electricity your home needs.

Today you have a choice on the size of the turbine you choose as well as the shape.  You can use the traditional windmill style turbine or a newer, cooler looking, vertical turbine.

Many mistakenly believe that it will cost a lot of money to build a turbine.  That simply is not true.

It is true that if you wanted to buy a turbine it would probably be cost prohibitive.  Buying a turbine will cost about $1,000 or higher.  Building your own will only cost a few hundred dollars at most.

All the parts you need can be bought at any hardware store.  It should only take you several hours, or one day, at most to build your turbine.

It doesn't matter if you want to build a windmill style turbine or a vertical style turbine, you can use the same plans for either type.

A vertical style turbine has the advantage of allowing you to use more blades in the design without making it take up more space.  Having additional blades will allow your turbine to be more effective because it will be even more sensitive to less wind.

So do yourself a favor, build a DIY wind turbine.  You can do this project easily and it won't cost you very much.  The advantages though are many: you'll pay less on your utility bills, and you'll be helping the environment, to name just two.