Even though summer is almost over there's no need to panic. Cry yes, panic no. Last year many of us were wondering how we were going to pay our utility bills: incomes were falling and energy prices were rising. This year things are a little more stable but we still want to know how to cut energy bills.
The good news is that it doesn't take huge actions to cut your bills. While it's true the bigger steps you take the bigger savings you'll get. But even if you're not in a position to take the big steps even small things can help you save.
So here is a list of some of the things you can do, big and small, to start saving on your energy bills. These savings will last long beyond this upcoming winter and could add up to thousands of dollars in savings. Some of these things may even make you eligible for a tax credit of up to $1,500.
1. Add insulation to your attic. This one thing can dramatically cut the amount of air you've paid to heat escaping to the outside. Find out the proper 'R' value for your area.
2. Keep your furnace in top condition by having it inspected annually by a qualified professional. Also make sure to change the filters at least monthly.
3. Get insulated curtains or blinds to keep the heat loss from windows to a minimum.
4. Let the sun shine in. On sunny winter days the sun coming into your home can help heat it. Make sure you close the curtains after the sun goes down to help keep the cold air out.
5. Try to cut your dependence on your utility company. Install your own solar panels and/or wind turbine.
These things are just a start, but they can still help you cut energy bills this winter and for many years to come.