Now that the technology has advanced to the point where home renewable energy such as solar power and wind power, are viable options, it's time to get going and cash in on the savings available by using these green energy sources.
Both solar and wind power have been around for a long time. I imagine many people are more familiar with solar power for home use than they are for wind power. After all, we've been seeing solar panels on our neighbors roofs for a decade at least.
Wind power, at least for home use, is a newer trend. Of course we've seen windmills forever and we've even been seeing huge wind farms for a long time, it was pretty rare to see a small, home sized wind turbine in someone's back yard or on their roof.
The reason for that was due largely to the fact that the technology wasn't yet good enough to create enough electricity from such a small turbine. When it comes to wind power bigger is not only better, it's a necessity.
Now that technology has advanced enough to make smaller wind turbines a reality (even though they're small they can still be worthwhile because they can generate a reasonable amount of electricity) it might be time you considered getting your own.
With wind power and solar power you can build your own turbine and panel respectively. Especially in the case of wind power that is the preferred way to go because purchasing a turbine simply isn't cost effective. It would take you a very long time to recoup that investment.
Anyone can build their own home turbine all you need is a manual to follow, about $200 worth of parts, and a few days of your time.
Even though the investment is small the potential savings is not. Most people are reporting a savings of around 80% on their electricity bills.
So start today to take full advantage of home renewable energy by using wind power, solar power, or a combination of both and you'll save thousands for years to come.