Trying to save money? Want to be environmentally friendly? If you've answered yes to these questions you've probably wondered which way is the best way to go: solar power or wind power. Well, the answer to that question is: if depends.
Whether you use wind or solar or even a combination of each will depend on several factors.
The first thing you need to consider is how much do you want to spend to upgrade your home to wind or solar power? With each type of power you can build your own collection systems: panels for solar and turbines for wind.
Another thing to consider is do you expect to generate enough electricity so that you can completely sever all ties with your utility company? If so than you will need way more than one or two solar panels or one turbine.
What type of climate do you live in? Do you get a lot of sunny days? Even if the answer to that question is yes you have to remember that approximately half of every day is spent in darkness so your solar panels won't be generating electricity.
Do you live in an area where there aren't a lot of open spaces such as in a low lying area or an area with a lot of tall trees or buildings. Wind turbines aren't as effective if the wind flow is obstructed by trees or other objects.
These are just a few of the things you have to take into considering when trying to decide between solar and wind power. Oh, and not to confuse you further, but you may want to combine the two and install solar panels and wind turbines, that way you can maximize the prevailing weather conditions.
So now that you've got an idea of some things to think about take a little time, ask a few more questions and decide which source of energy makes the most sense for you and your needs.