Energy conservation doesn't need to be a huge ordeal, or a massive lifestyle change. Conservation can start small with simple day to day changes that anyone can do.
There are things that you can do at home, at the office, and while driving down the road. All of them are easy but can add up big. And the great thing is that not only will the planet benefit but your wallet will benefit too.
Things you can do to your car such as keep it tuned up, replace dirty filters, change your spark plugs, keep the tires properly inflated, etc, are all easy things that will help your car run more efficiently and therefore burn less fuel. That will save you money and help the environment.
At the office you can recycle your water bottles, don't use disposable coffee cups, pack your lunch in reusable plastic containers instead of disposable plastic bags.
And last, but not least, at home. Here you probably have more options for saving energy than anywhere else. The biggest energy consumption, and biggest expense, in most households is utility costs. The good news is that there are many things you can do to bring these costs under control.
Some simple things you can do are to get your furnace inspected to make sure it's running properly, change the filters monthly during heating season, add a programmable thermostat so you can automatically turn the temperature down when you're not there or sleeping, and add insulation and new windows and doors.
If you want to really conserve energy you might want to consider investing $200 and a weekend of your time to build your own wind turbine. You don't need any technical skills or knowledge, just pick up a manual that will walk you through the whole process quickly and easily.
You can go big or you can go small when it comes to energy conservation, it doesn't matter. The point is as long as you do something you can help the environment and save some money.