1) A good way to write a popular article is to find a problem that the people in your target audience have and then think what you can do about it. People like to read things that offer solutions to problems and preferably ones that are not too hard.
2) Do not underestimate the power of a good title in helping your article to sell and be picked up by ezine owners. Your title should be catchy, make the reader want to know more and also have the subject in it, so a casual glance will let them know what it is about.
3) Your opening paragraph should not only introduce the reader to the subject but also give them a reason to carry on reading. What problem are you going to help them with that they do not have a solution to at the moment? They need a good reason to carry on reading or they may lose interest and look elsewhere.
4) Establish credibility with the reader. Why should they listen to you, have you had this problem and if so how did it affect you and your business? When you solved the problem, what benefits did it bring you and how did it make things better?
5) Give them a reason to empathize with you so that they can see themselves in the same situation and will be rooting for you to show them the answer. Even if they have not hade the problem themselves, this can be a great way too encourage them to keep reading instead of losing interest.
6) Give them the solution and if you can, explain why your product or site is somehow related to that solution or a good way to avoid the problem in the future. This can make for a powerful link in the middle of your article rather than just relying on them seeing the resource box after they have finished reading.
7) Give them examples of how the solution has been of benefit to yourself and others and what effect this could have on the lives or businesses of the readers if they follow your advice, do what you say and maybe buy your product.
8) Reassure them that if they follow your advice they can not only solve the problem but also avoid it ever happening in the future. Reassure them that everything worked out with the problem and that it will for them too.
9) Tell the reader that although everything will be good if they follow your advice, explain that a lot of people won't so that they empathize with you and want to take the right course of action, so that they will not make the same mistake as the others have.
10) Make sure that you pay attention to the way that you write your resource box. Do not just put a list of links to your sites. Put in one link to the site or product that is most likely to be useful to the reader and include some anchor text as to why they should go to your site.
11) When you have finished writing make sure that you proof read it at least twice, then set it aside for a day so that you can go over it again when you are in a different frame of mind. That way you can view it as though you were the reader and this can help you to get a better prospective.
12) Don't waste your work by just submitting it to one directory. Spend a few dollars on an article submission service like Article Marketer or Submit Your Articles. That way you can get your article read much more widely and get a much better return for your work.
13) You can approach good quality ezines directly and ask them if they would like you to write an exclusive article for them, so they get one that the other ezines don't have and you get your article published in a prominent position in the ezine that you choose.
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