Sunday, February 14, 2016

Finding Your Work From Home Niche

By show of hands, who wants to go to work day in, day out for an  unappreciative boss, be stuck in traffic about two hours per day,  and miss many of your children’s milestones? Nobody! There is  hardly anyone currently employed who does not daydream of working  from home, being their own boss, forgetting about the commute, and  being available to family and friends whenever possible. For quite  a few, this dream translates into a reality when they start their  own home business, but some have a hard time getting started; in  particular, they have a tough time deciding just what to do for a  work from home business.

While finding your work from home niche is not necessarily hard,  it is also not as simple as it may sound. To help you along in  this process, here are some things to consider when getting ready  to earnestly find something to do as a home business:

What are you capable of doing that perhaps someone else does not  wish to do or is not able to do? For example, changing your car’s  oil and rotating its tires are things that take a special ability,  but even those who have it do not always want to do it and  therefore will gladly pay someone else to take these messy tasks  off their hands. Maybe you have a knack for getting that  television hooked up or a computer repaired after a virus attack?  Are you great with kids and have them eating out of your hand at  your church’s daycare? Do you have a keen eye for bargains and can  ferret out deals and steals when even the hardiest shoppers are  unable to save anything? All these skills take a knack that you  can turn into a home business.

If a special skill does not come to mind readily, why not  capitalize on a special talent you may have? Are you a fine artist  and can paint portraits of dogs that are so lifelike that friends  and family are always asking you for another likeness of Fluffy or  Rover? Are you a great cook? Does your garden look like an oasis  in a sea of gardens with dried grass and wilting flowers? Can you  explain even the most complex algebraic equations to your children  in such a way that they actually understand them? Perhaps you play  and instrument and would not mind teaching others to do so as  well. If so, you have a talent that is quite marketable!

Last but not least, if you have neither special skill nor  confirmed talent, you do not need to give up! The odds are good  that you will be able to base a business on doing those things  everyone knows how to do but in some cases simply does not wish to  deal with. For example, if you know how to put a party together,  you could be a party planner specializing in children’s birthdays.  Conversely, if you do not mind climbing on ladders, then window  washer could be your stick. Own gardening equipment? Why not use  it to cut other people’s lawns and hedges and become a gardener?