For many of us struggling to pay our ever increasing bills, the prospect of saving money on our utility bills is extremely attractive. If you've been thinking of using wind power as a cheap renewable energy source than you've made a good choice.
Building a DIY wind turbine is something that virtually anyone can do. You can even get the kids involved and make it a family project. It'll provide you all with family time while teaching your kids the importance of being environmentally responsible.
Building a turbine can be a way to help you save money, but it's not practical for everyone.
Here is a list of some things you'll need to consider when trying to decide if a wind turbine makes sense for you:
1. Building a turbine is cheap,usually no more than $200. Buying a turbine is expensive, around $1,000 and up.
2. You don't need special tools or skills to build your own turbine. You will need a set of easy to follow plans.
3. All the materials you'll need to make your turbine can be found at any home improvement center.
4. A small home turbine can save you about 80% on your utility bills but it won't provide all the energy your home needs.
5. How much energy your turbine can provide will depend on how many obstructions that may block the wind from your turbine as well as how much wind you get where you live.
For many people building a DIY wind turbine is a smart move. It's cheap to build, it can provide over half of the energy the average household needs, and it's environmentally friendly.
I hope this list has given you all the information you need to make up your mind as to whether or not a turbine makes sense for you.